Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Crop weather report 22/12/2009



Post harvesting activities of Maize continues in the states of Maharashtra,Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

High day time temperature and low night temperature along with light rainfall in East Uttar Pradesh,Bihar,Assam and Tamil Nadu will be conducive for the maize crop which is in vegetative growth stage.

According to the government sources,an increase in arrivals of maize was noticed at the mandi's. The price also showed a sharp increase.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/maizemap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net



Moderate to heavy snow fell in the northern growing regions,stopping harvesting activities.


Moderate to heavy rainfall along with normal temperature benefited corn crop.



Declining day and night temperatures in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana,Punjab,Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh will be beneficial for the mustard crop which is in fruiting and flowering stages. Minimum temperature in Punjab and Haryana was recorded at 3 degree Celsius.

Scattered rainfall in the state of Orissa is also conducive for the mustard crop which is in vegetative stage.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/mustardmap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net



Light to moderate rainfall along with nomral temperature are beneficial for the canola crop.



Normal day time temperature along with sunshine in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are conducive for the chana crop which is in vegetative growth stage.

Light rainfall in the state of Madhya Pradesh has proved beneficial for the crop.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/chanamap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net



High day time temperature and low night temperature are conducive for the chana crop which is in growth stages.


Dry weather in the western part of Australia has promoted widespread harvesting.

Arrivals of chick pea from Australia has commenced in the month of December.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Crop weather report 21/12/2009

Normal day time temperatures and low night temperatures in the state of Gujrat,Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh are conducive for the psyllium crop which is in vegetative stage.
It is also beneficial for the late sown psyllium crop which is in germination and establishment stages.
Rainfall in parts of Madhya Pradesh is also beneficial for the crop.Link
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/phylliummap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net


Light scattered rainfall in the coastal region of Tamil Nadu, Kerela, Karnataka and Orissa are beneficial for the late grown cashew crop.
Arrivals of cashew are reported from the States of Kerela,Maharashtra, Goa and Tamil Nadu.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/cashewmap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Decrease in production is reported from Vietnam due to two cyclonic storm at the growth stage.

Sri Lanka
Light to moderate rainfall along with normal temperatures are beneficial for the matured cashew crop.

Arrivals from the southern states of Tamil Nadu and Kerela have dropped drastically in the month of December due to drought like conditions in the growth stage.
Current persisting rainfall in the southern part of the country as well as in the the eastern part of the country are conducive for the current circle.
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/teamap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Recent rainfall in the country has provided relief to tea plantation which has suffered due to drought like conditions in previous months.

Arrivals of coffee have commenced for the states of Karnataka,Tamil Nadu and Kerela.
Light scattered rainfall in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerela are beneficial for the plantation which is in matured stages.
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/coffeemap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Moderate rainfall along with normal temperatures along the coastal regions are beneficial for the plantation which is in vegetative stage.

Light to moderate rainfall in the coffee producing regions is beneficial for the coffee plantation. Arrivals of coffee commenced in second week of December.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Crop Weather Forecast 17/12/2009


Recent rains in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and parts of Andhra Pradesh are conducive for the cotton crop which is entering in reproductive phases.
Late harvesting of cotton continues in the regions of Gujarat,Maharashtra,Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab. It is facilitated by sunny days and higher temperature during night.
Cotton production is reported to be 10 % lower than the estimated production in Maharahstra.
According to the government sources,a small decrease in the arrivals of cotton in the major mandi's was noticed. The prices also dropped by a small margin.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/cottonmap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net


Harvesting of cotton has been delayed in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi due to rainfall in the region.


Dry weather across the Sindh and Punjab region encouraged harvesting. Sindh has recorded highest production after 2005.



Recent rainfall is very much beneficial for early sown wheat crop in central India.
Late sowing of wheat continues in the states of Rajasthan,Punjab,Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. Sun shine and moderate temperature is conducive for irrigated wheat sown crop in these states.
Light rains in the eastern part of the country is beneficial for early sown wheat crop.
As per the government sources,decrease in arrivals were noticed at the mandi's. However, slight increase in prices was noticed.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/wheatmap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Precipitation in the form of snowfall in the western part of the country has pushed winter wheat into dormancy which is beneficial for the wheat crop.


Light to moderate rainfall in the central part of the country has caused some delay in the wheat harvest.


Rainfall in parts of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh are conducive for the chana crop which is in vegetative stage.
Light rainfall in previous days in the northern states of Punjab and Haryana are also conducive for the late sown chana crop.
According to the government sources sharp decrease in the arrivals at the mandi's was noticed. The prices of the arrivals at the mandi's increased by Rs 251 per quintal.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/channamap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Feel Free to send your feedbacks.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Crop Weather Report 17/12/2009

Harvesting and post harvesting activities of maize continues in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
Optimum soil conditions along with normal temperature in parts of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,Assam,Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka will be beneficial for the maize crop which is in vegetative stages.
According to the government sources,arrivals of maize at major mandi's decreased,however a sharp increase was noticed in the prices.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/maizemap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net


South Africa
Sowing of drought resistant maize crop will commence form the last week of December. This crop will also be sown in the neighboring countries.

Light to moderate rainfall(25-100mm) along with normal temperatures in the southern districts of Brazil is conducive for the corn crop which is in vegetative states.

Harvesting activities of early grown mustard continues in the states of Rajasthan, Haryana,Madhya Pradesh and Western Uttar Pradesh.
Light scattered rainfall in the states of Uttar Pradesh,Bihar,Madhya Pradesh,Rajasthan,Haryana and Punjab are conducive for the mustard crop which is in flowering and fruiting stages.
Scattered local rainfall in the states of Orissa and Assam are also conducive for the mustard crop which is in vegetative stages.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/mustardmap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net


Moderate to heavy rain continued in the north and western part of the country causing quality concerns for the canola crop.

Light scattered rainfall along with normal temperature area conducive for the mustard crop which is in flowering stages.

Light scattered rainfall in parts of Punjab,Rajasthan,Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh and Southern Uttar Pradesh are conducive for the peas crop which is in flowering and fruiting stages. Rainfall is also beneficial for the late sown peas crop which is in flowering stages.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/peamap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net


Moisture from last weeks rainfall along with normal temperature are conducive for the peas crop which in growing stages.

Light rainfall along with mild temperatures are beneficial for the peas crop which is in vegetative stages.

Rainfall in the southern states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka will be beneficial for the crop.
Arrivals have started from the states of Gujrat,Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Production of urad is likely to be less in the state of Maharashtra.
As per the government sources,decrease in arrivals was noticed at the mandi's. Slight increase in prices was noticed.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/uradmap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net



Light precipitation(5-50mm) in the form of snow in central and eastern part of the country delayed harvesting of the black gram.

Feel free to send your feedbacks.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Crop Weather Report 16/12/2009

High day time temperature and low night temperature along with optimum soil conditions in the states of Rajasthan,Gujrat,Maharashtra,Punjab,Haryana and Southern Uttar Pradesh are conducive for the late sown crop which was given presown irrigation. However, if above normal temperature continues then the crop will be affected.
Rains in Karnataka and likely in central part of India in coming days will boost the chana crop.
According to the government sources,the arrivals of chana at major mandi's decreased. A decrease in prices was also noticed.
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/chanamap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Sowing of chana has completed in Punjab and Sindh regions of Pakistan. Rainfall received last week over these regions are conducive for the chana crop which is in germination stages.

Light rainfall in the central and eastern regions of Iran is beneficial for the winter chick pea crop which is in flowering stages.

Above normal temperature in the state of Gujrat could be a concern for the jeera crop which is in establishment and germination stages. It is also for early sown crop which is in flowering stages.
Late sowing of the crop continues in the states of Gujrat,Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
Area under jeera is reported to have decreased in the state of Gujrat.
According to the government sources,decrease in arrivals were noticed at the mandi's. However a sharp increase in prices was noticed.
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/jeeramap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Heavy rainfall in southern part of Turkey caused concern for the jeera crop which is in harvesting stages.

Harvesting of Pepper continues in the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerela and south Karantaka.
Light rainfall in the hilly area of Kerela will maintain the required moisture level for the pepper crop which is in growth stages.
Light scattered rainfall in the regions of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka is also conducive for healthy pepper plantations.
As per the government sources, the arrivals of pepper decreased. However an increase in prices was noticed.
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/peppermap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Sowing of pepper continues in the major parts of countries. Light to moderate showers maintained moisture required by the already sown pepper crop.

Late sowing of pepper continues in some of the regions in the country. Moderate rainfall along with normal temperature are conducive for the early pepper crop which is in vegetative stages.

Feel free to send your feedbacks.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Crop Weather Forecast 15/12/2009


Harvesting and post harvest activities continue smoothly in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Punjab.
Dry weather conditions in the states of north AndhraPradesh and Maharashtra will also encourage harvesting activities.
Production is likely to be low as compared to last year due to drought like conditions during sowing period.
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/chillimap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

Normal temperature in central part of India(Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh) is conducive for the early sown wheat crop which is in flowering stage.
Sowing of the wheat crop continues in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,Bihar and Assam. Higher temperature during night in these states may adversely affect the crop.
Market arrivals of wheat has increased by 3500 tonnes whereas increase of 85Rs/quintal in the prices were noticed.
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/wheatmap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

Light to moderate rainfall received in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerela will be conducive for the paddy crop which is in growth stage.
Normal temperatures and optimum soil moisture in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka will be beneficial for the crop.
Harvesting of the paddy crop is almost completed in the parts of Punjab, Haryana, UttarPradesh, Bihar & north-east States.
Market arrivals of paddy has decreased sharply. However, no significant change in the prices were noticed.

Light scattered rainfall in the coastal region of Kerala, Tamilnadu and Karnataka is beneficial for the cashew crop which is in flowering to fruit setting stage.
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/cashewmap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Feel free to send your feedbacks.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Crop Weather Forecast 10/12/2009

Harvesting of cotton crop in north-west parts of India is almost completed. Slightly higher temperature during day time and normal temperature during night facilitated the harvesting.
Winter rains in the states of Karnataka, Tamilnadu & Southern parts of AndhraPradesh is helpful for the long duration cotton crop.
Market arrivals in the districts of Gujarat have decreased about 5800 tonnes whereas decrease of about 200 Rs/quintal in prices were noticed from 8thDec to 9thDec.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/cottonmap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Light scattered rainfall in the coastal region of Kerala, Tamilnadu and Karnataka is expected in the coming days that will be beneficial for the cashew crop.
Heavy rainfall caused by Fyan in Maharashtra and Goa in the month of November has adversely affected the cashew crop.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/cashewmap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Dry conditions in various parts of Gujrat and Rajasthan remains a concern for the psyllium crop.
Sowing has been delayed in some districts of Gujrat because of no rainfall and lack of irrigational facilities.
Optimum soil conditions in the districts of Madhya Pradesh has helped in the establishment of the crop.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/psylliummap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Light rainfall expected in coming days in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerela will be conducive for the paddy crop which is in growth stage.
Normal temperatures and optimum soil moisture in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka will be beneficial for the crop.
Harvesting of the paddy crop is almost completed in the states of Punjab, Haryana, UttarPradesh,Bihar & north-east States.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/basmatiricemap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Light to moderate rainfall is expected in coming days in the major growing belt of coffee (i.e. in parts of Kerela and Tamil Nadu) which will be beneficial for the coffee crop which is in flowering stage.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/coffeemap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net