Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Crop Weather Report 29/06/2010


The temperatures ranges from 28-35 C which is higher in the districts Coimbatore, Nilgiri, Madurai, Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu state. However, rainfall received in the district will be congenial for July-Aug picking.

The temperature ranges from 22-32 C in Hassan ,Chikmanglore, Kodagu of Karnataka state which is normal for tea garden .However, scanty rains may adversely affect the production.

The current temperature ranges from 22-33 C in Kunnor, Kozikhode , Malappuram is also congenial and the rains received will also be helpful for the growth and higher yield.

For more information: http://www.bkconsimpex.com/hotspots/teamap.html
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

The temperature in the district of Shimoga, Chikmanglore, Hassan ,Kodagu in Karnataka state is between 24-34 C against the normal requirement of the crop is 10-32 C. The rains received will be helpful for the crop.

The temperature in the district of Coimbatore ,Nilgiris, Teni of Tamil Nadu are higher as per requirement of the crop. The rainfall received are congenial for the crop.

The temperature in the district of Kasorgod, Pallakad ,Wayanad ,Iddukki, Pathanamthitta of Kerala is varying between 23-32 C which is more helpful for the good health of the crop .The rain received among the above districts will be useful for the crop.

The crop continues to flower from April-May to July-Aug. Cool temperature and good rainfall is essential for the better crop yield.

For more information: http://www.bkconsimpex.com/hotspots/cardamommap.html
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

The optimum temperature requirement for the crop is 24-30 C and rainfall is 2000-2500 mm .
Against the above requirement the temperature in Gurdaspur and Hoshiarpur in Punjab state is ranging between 28-39 C . Rainfall is also less.

The temperature in the district Ambala,Faridabad,Sonipat,Rohtak,Karnal in the Haryana state is 29-39 C .The rainfall is negligible.Temperature and rainfall may affect the crop growth adversely.

The temperature in East Champaran, West Champaran, ,Gopalganj in Bihar state is ranging between 28-38 C and rainfall received will be helpful for the crop.

The temperature in the district Jalgaon, Nasik, Jalna, Ahmadnagar ,Pune, Satara, Sangli ranges from 25-35 C.The rainfall received will be congenial for the sugarcane crop.

The crop is in tillering stage in Northern India and in grand growth stage in central and southern India. Adequate rainfall is required for higher yield.

For more information: http://www.bkconsimpex.com/hotspots/sugarcanenorthmap.html
For more information: http://www.bkconsimpex.com/hotspots/sugarcanesouthmap.html
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Crop Weather Report 25/06/2010

The recent rainfall received in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh , Karnataka is congenial for the growth of the crop.
However, the dry condition in the states of Punjab, Haryana ,Uttar Pradesh may adversely affect the tillering phase of the crop . In the absence of rainfall irrigation will be required to safeguard the crop.
For more information: http://www.bkconsimpex.com/hotspot/sugarcanenorthmap.html
For more information: http://www.bkconsimpex.com/hotspot/sugarcanesouthmap.html
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

The current prevailing weather conditions in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Assam ,Bihar, Kerala, Himachal Pradesh and eastern states is congenial for May-June sown crop and also will be helpful for sowing in July.
For more information: http://www.bkconsimpex.com/hotspot/turmericmap.html
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

The rainfall received in the states of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu is beneficial, as crop is in flowering stage which has started in April –May and will be continued upto July-August .
The weather condition is also favorable for fresh planting of sapling.
For more information: http://www.bkconsimpex.com/hotspot/cardamommap.html
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Crop Weather Report 24/06/2010

Black Pepper
Black pepper start flowering in May –June .Current rainfall received in Andhra Pradesh ,Tamil Nadu ,Kerala will be beneficial for the crop .
The current rainfall is also very much congenial for planting the seedling.

For more information: http://www.bkconsimpex.com/hotspot/peppermap.html
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

The 80% area of groundnut is grown under Kharif season in the growing states of Gujarat, Maharastra , Punjab, Haryana. Under the present weather condition it is likely that rain may occur among most of the states which will boost the sowing of groundnut. The optimum temperature for germination should above 18 C and proper vegetative growth 27-30 C .The above situation will likely be available with the expected rainfall .

For more information: http://www.bkconsimpex.com/hotspot/groundnutmap.html
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

It is the ideal time of planting new seedling of Cashew .It require the optimum temperature between 24 C to 28 C .The present rainfall takes place in major growing states of Kerala,Maharastra ,Andhra Pradesh,Goa,Tamil Nadu is congenial for the growth of crop.It is also suitable for transplanting of new sapling.

For more information: http://www.bkconsimpex.com/hotspot/cashewmap.html
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

Crop Weather Report 23/06/2010

The current rainfall received in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharastra ,West Bengal is congenial for maize crop sowing .The likely rain in the states of Uttar Pradesh ,Bihar, Punjab and Haryana will be helpful for the sowing of maize. The optimum temperature for the crop is 15-30 C. However higher temperature is not congenial for the crop.

For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/maizemap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

The current rainfall in the hill region is congenial for crop sowing and its establishment .The rainfall received in the states of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh is beneficial for the sowing .Similar situations prevailing in east and southern zone. The optimum temperature for germination is 15-30 C and for growth 30-33 C beyond 38 C crop is affected .The higher temperature in the North-West at present is not suitable for the crop. Timely sowing of he crop is essential as it is highly photo sensitive crop

For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/soybeanmap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

The current rainfall in the state of Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Coastal Andhra Pradesh will be useful for the preaperation of field and sowing of Bajra in the end of June and first week of July .As per prevailing weather condition it is likely that rains may occur in Punjab , Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh will be helpful for the sowing of Bajara among the above states.

For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/barleymap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Crop Weather Report 07/04/2010

The current dry weather, high temperature prevailing in the states of Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh is conducive for post harvesting activities of chana crop.
The current dry weather in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka is also beneficial for post harvesting activities of chana crop.
Market arrivals of chana have decreased very sharply whereas prices have got a slight decrement in the last two days.
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/chanamap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net


Rainfall in the eastern parts of Australia may be harmful for the harvesting and post harvest activities of the crop.

The harvesting and post harvesting activities are continued in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka , Rajasthan & Assam.
The dry weather among above states will be conducive for the summer sown crop.
Harvesting is continued in the north eastern zone in Uttar Pradesh , Orissa and Assam.
Market arrivals of chilli have increased very sharply whereas prices have decreased by Rs.100/quintal in the last two days.
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/chillimap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

High day temperature in the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra are conducive for the jeera crop which is in post harvesting stages.
Market arrivals of jeera have decreased very sharply whereas prices have decreased by Rs.571/quintal in the last two days.
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/jeeramap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

Current normal and dry weather in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Kerela is conducive for harvesting and post harvesting stage.
The current rainfall in North East states Assam,West Bengal and Orissa is conducive for growth and development of summer rice.
Market arrivals and prices of rice have decreased very sharply in the last two days.
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/basmatiricemap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

Scattered rainfall in the eastern parts of the country is helpful for the paddy crop which is in vegetative stages.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

crop Weather Report 06/04/2010

Recent high temperature prevailing in the states of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh ,Punjab, Haryana , Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh are conducive for the barley crop harvesting and post harvesting.
Current dry weather with high temperature in the states of Madhya Pradesh,Gujarat, Maharastra is conducive for post harvesting of the crop.
Market arrivals have increased sharply whereas the prices increased by Rs 20/quintal in the last two days.
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/barleymap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

The post harvesting activities of Rabi mung bean is almost completed in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu, Orissa.
The current dry and sunny weather is conducive for sowing, germination and establishment of summer mung in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Hayana, Delhi,Bihar,West Bengal.
Market arrivals have increased sharply whereas the prices increased by Rs135/quintal in the last two days.

For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/mungmap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

Sugarcane planting in the states of Maharastra , Karnataka,Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh have already been completed.
In the northern India sugarcane planting is almost completed in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
Dry weather,sunny days and higher temperature prevailing among the above states may be helpful for the insect free early growth of the crop .
Dry condition will facilitate the completion of harvesting of left over crop.
Market arrivals have increased sharply whereas the prices increased by Rs 525/quintal in the last two days.
According to government sources sugar prices would also ease after a 'good' sugarcane production in the country this year.

For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/sugarcanenorthmap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

The dry condition and high temperature prevailing in Maharashtra is conducive for the harvesting of October-November transplanted crop.
The weather condition in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh is also suitable for transplanting of April-May crop.
The rainfall and low temperature may be helpful in the eastern hilly states for December transplanted crop.
The higher temperature prevailing in Haryana,Punjab,Rajasthan,Uttar Pradesh,Bihar and Orissa will hasten the maturity and harvesting of the crop.
Market arrivals have increased sharply whereas the prices increased by Rs50/quintal in the last two days.

For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/onionmap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

Monday, April 5, 2010

Crop Weather Report 05/04/2010

Clear dry weatehr and sunny days in the states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are conducive for post harvesting activities of durum crop.
The harvesting activities continued in the states of the North-eastern Plains Zone consisting of eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and east India.
The very high temperature,hot sunny days hasten the maturity in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan.
Market arrivals of wheat decreased very sharply whereas the prices have got a decreament of Rs 200/quintal in the last two days.

For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/wheatmap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

Post harvesting activities of pepper have been completed in the plains of Tamilnadu, Kerela and Karnataka.
Current dry weather is likely to continue for the coming days is beneficial for the harvesting and post harvesting of the crop at the hills among the above states.
According to government sources Pepper ended higher tracking firmness in the spot market where local demand was good, enquiries from overseas market and limited supply that means the demand outlook for Indian pepper is good.

For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/peppermap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

Post harvest activities of the pepper crop continues in the parts of the country. Rainfall expected in various parts of the country is favourable for the post harvesting of the crop.

Dry weather and high temperature prevailing for long period in the coastal regions of Orrisa, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh have been very much conducive for the cashew crop for flowering and fruiting.
Picking of matured fruits with nuts is continued among the among above states.
According to government sources farmers across the country are facing the increasing pressures as the prices of several categories of cashew nuts continue dropping sharply.

For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/cashewmap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net

The high temperature and sunny days are conducive for post harvesting activities in the states Gujarat, West Rajasthan.
Harvesting and post harvesting stage are continued in the eastern Rajasthan.
According to government sources India is poised to register a quantum jump in isabgul (psyllium husk) production in 2009-10 (December-June) at 18 to 20 lakh bags (one bag weighing 75 kg).

For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/phylliummap.jsp
For more information: http://www.weatherindia.net