Sowing of chana has picked up in major growing states. Sowing is going on in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Sowing activities likely to start earlier in some areas in South India due to the rains received there.
Prices of chana have increased by 30 % last four days,while the arrivals have declined.
Light rainfall is predicted in the western part of Australia where desi chick pea is grown. Rain is beneficial for the late sown crop which is in the germination stages.
Dry conditions continues across Pakistan. Sowing of the chana crop has been delayed by almost a month. No rainfall is predicted in the coming week.
Light rains are predicted in the chick pea growing area. Rains will bring relief to the farmers as the soil moisture in these regions were reportedly low.
Sowing activities have started in the states of Gujrat and Rajasthan.
Low temperatures in these areas are beneficial for jeera crop.
Demand from overseas market is expected to rise in the coming days as Indian rates are lower than ones from Turkey and Syria.
jeera exports are estimated to fall to 18750 tons during the period Apr-Aug, 2009 from 21130 tons same period last year(Spice board of India).
An increase in price of Rs 320 per 100kg was reported from the unjha mandi.
Planting activities continues in Turkey. Light rainfall predicted in the coming week will boost the crop production.
Dry conditions prevail in syria. This causes a concern to the farmers as the soil moisture is low. No rainfall is predicted in the next 3 days.
Sowing is gradually picking up in the northern belt wherever irrigation is available.In other rainfed areas of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, germination will suffer on account of low humidity and high temperature.
Arrivals of mustard seed increased to 25,000 bags on Saturday from 22,000 bags on previous day in major mandis of Rajasthan.
A sharp increase in arrivals was noticed in the mandi's however no change in prices was reported.
Harvesting activity has increased in mustard growing areas. Total canola production was 10.27 million tonnes, up from last month, but 18.8% below last year's total.
harvesting continues in the country. However rainfall in the next 3-4 days might slow down harvesting activities.
Harvesting has paced up in southern part of Russia where mustard is grown.