Friday, November 27, 2009

Crop weather forecast 27/11/2009

Light scattered rainfall and normal temperature in the states of Kerela and Tamil Nadu are beneficial for the coffee plantation which is in flowering stages.
Coffee production is said to have decreased in Karnataka and Kerela in the month of October due to erratic weather pattern.
Exports have also suffered due to poor production.

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Dry weather conditions have drastically reduced the coffee production in the country.

Heavy rainfall in the southern and central part of the country could curtail the coffee production. The brazil's coffee production could fall by 15% in the year 2010(USDA).

Light rainfall in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerela is conducive for the paddy crop which is in growth stages.
Normal temperatures and Optimum soil moisture created by rainfall in previous days in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka will be beneficial for the crop.
Harvesting of the paddy crop is almost complete in the States of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

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Abnormal rice conditions has adversely affected the rice production in the country. Manila is importing 3 million metric tonnes of rice. Two typhoons had hit the country in September and October.

Burma has recorded a bumper harvest for the year 2009.The country after a decade will start exporting rice.

Normal temperature along with light rainfall is beneficial for the turmeric crop which is in vegetative state.
Optimum soil conditions and high day time temperatures are conducive for the turmeric crop.

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Sri Lanka
Light rainfall in the country has kept the turmeric crop under healthy state.

Rainfalls that occurred in previous week has maintained the soil conditions. Current humid conditions are also beneficial for the turmeric crop.

Rainfall in Kerela,Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are beneficial for the cardamom crop which is in Capsule development stage.
Harvesting of Cardamom will commence from December.

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Sri Lanka
Light to moderate rainfall in the country is conducive for the cardamom crop which is in flowering to capsule development stages.

Dry weather conditions have drastically affected the cardamom production. No rainfall in the months of August, September and October has adversely affected the crop production.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Receding temperature in central part of India (Madhya Pradesh,Chhattisgarh) is conducive for the wheat crop growth.
Clear and sunny days,optimum day time temperature and low night temperature in the north-western part of the country is favorable for sowing,germination and establishment of the wheat crop.

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The area under wheat in November has increased by 10% from October, 2009.
Sowing of wheat is yet to be started in the Corn Belt where harvesting of corn has been delayed.

Dry weather in New South Wales and western part of the country remains a concern for the wheat crop which is in growth stages. The quality of wheat crop is also expected to degrade due to high temperature.


Weather in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh are conducive for the mung crop which is in flowering and fruiting stages.

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Severe drought in the country has reduced the production of the mung beans.

Rainfall n the past days have improved the soil conditions in the region where mung is grown.

Harvesting of Sesame is near complete in the states of Rajasthan,Gujrat ,Punjab and Parts of Uttar Pradesh.
Light scattered rains along with normal temperature in the states of Andhra Pradesh,Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are beneficial for the sesame crop.

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Light to moderate rains in the southern part of the country where sesame is grown is conducive for the crop.
Harvesting of sesame is delayed in northern part of the country due to heavy snowfall.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Crop weather report 24/11/2009

Sowing area under gram in the states of Madhya Pradesh,Karnataka,Andhra Pradesh and central Uttar Pradesh is likely to be normal.
Reduction in area is noticed in the district of Jhunjhunu(Rajasthan) due to poor rainfall.However normal sowing is reported from the district of Ganganagar(Rajasthan).
As per the government source,the arrival of chana in the mandi decreased by 73 tonnes. Increase in price by Rs 415 per quintal on 23rd November was noticed in the mandi's.

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Dry conditions prevailed in the country. Harvesting of the chick pea crop is taking place.

Light to moderate rain improved late sowing prospects of the chick pea crop. Rainfall and normal temperature is also conducive for establishment of the already sown crop.

Rainfall received in the states of Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are conducive for the crop. The turmeric crop is in various growth stages.
Scattered rainfall received in the turmeric growing areas in Orissa is also beneficial for the crop.
Harvesting of Turmeric crop will commence from December.
The arrivals in the mandi increased by 10 tonnes on 23rd November. Price has also increased by Rs 400 per quintal.

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Rains last week have improved the soil conditions in the country.

Sri Lanka
Moderate rainfall in most part of the country is beneficial for development the turmeric crop.

Prolonged hot and dry spell in certain parts of Rajasthan and Gujrat has delayed the sowing of jeera. There is likely to be reduction in total sowing area.
India is expecting export demand from countries like Singapore,Middle east countries and Europe.

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Light to moderate rains maintained adequate soil moisture in the Cumin producing regions.

Heavy rains in the southern part of the country made a negative impact on the cumin crop.

Harvesting of cotton continues in major growing areas. Crop damage has been reported from certain districts of Maharashtra.
The textile industry has demanded an immediate ban on Cotton exports due to decrease in output.
Sharp increases of 29221 tonnes in arrivals were noticed in mandi's. The prices have increased by Rs 90 per quintal.
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Dry weather in queensland has reduced water available for irrigation of the cotton crop. This situation is also faced by the state of New South Wales and parts of Western Australia.

Rainfall in cotton growing region have affected and quality of the cotton crop. The production quantity of the crop is likely to decrease.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Crop weather report 23/11/2009


Matured urad crop in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh has been damaged due to heavy rainfall and strong winds.
Dry weather in Gujrat is favorable for the crop.
High day time temperature along with optimum soil moisture is conducive for the rabi urad crop which is in growing stage in Uttar Pradesh and Punjab.
The production of Kharif urad crop has dropped by 2.03 million tonnes from last year (Financial express).

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Scattered rainfall in the southeastern part of the country maintained conditions for the black gram crop which is in growing stages. High temperature and dry conditions in the eastern part of the country may lead to early crop maturity.

Dry conditions and normal day time temperatures encouraged harvesting of the black gram crop.

Scattered rainfall in the regions of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and parts of Orissa are beneficial for the crop.
Warm temperature and optimum soil moisture in parts of Rajasthan and Gujrat are conducive for the castor crop.
According to the government sources, both arrivals and prices have shown a considerable decrease.

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Light precipitation in south Russia continues to provide soil moisture to the castor crop. Harvesting of castor crop is near complete in central part of Russia.

Heavy rainfall in southern part of the country may degrade the quality of castor crop.

Prevailing high day time temperature and low night temperatures in the northwestern part of the country favors wheat crop.
Light rainfall in parts of Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal is conducive for the establishment of the wheat crop.
Wheat acreage has increased in the districts of Indore(MP).Farmers have started sowing wheat in areas where potato damage has been reported.
The wheat mills of southern states are planning to import wheat from Australia in January, 2010.
The arrival of wheat in the mandi's decreased by 3000 tones on 22nd November. Reduction in prices of Rs 100/quintal was noticed.

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Sowing of Soft red winter wheat continues in the northern belt. Mild temperature in the central part of the country also encouraged sowing of wheat.

Scattered showers received in New South Wales are beneficial for the wheat crop which is in growth stage. Moderate rains in Western Australia caused some delay in wheat harvesting.

Sowing of mustard is complete in major mustard growing regions. Persisting low temperature in rajasthan is beneficial for the mustard crop. Rains that occurred in the past weeks are also conducive for the crop.
Last weeks rainfall will also benefit the already sown mustard in the regions of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Dear Sir,

We are sending crop weather forecast for specific crops in specific areas.
For crop weather forecast for all crops please visit our website http://

Heavy rainfall in parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka have degraded the quality of chillies which is in harvesting stages.
Moderate rainfall in parts of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu is beneficial for chillies crop. Fresh arrivals are expected from Andhra Pradesh in January 2010.
Dry and sunny weather in the states of Rajasthan,Gujrat and Punjab favor harvesting and post harvest activities.
According to the government sources,arrivals of chillies in mandi has increased by 40 tonnes. The prices have also shown a sharp increase of Rs1000/quintal.

For more information:
For more information: http://

Sri Lanka
Moderate rainfalls received in parts of the country are conducive for the crop which is yet to be harvested.

Dry weather has encouraged harvesting and post harvest activities in Pakistan.

Harvesting activities continue smoothly in the states of Rajasthan,Gujrat and Bihar. According to trade sources, 40% reduction in production is reported from the district of Sri Ganganagar(Rajasthan) from last year.
Heavy rainfalls in parts of Maharashtra have damaged the matured crop. Crop damage is reported from the district of Dhule(Maharashtra).
The arrivals of groundnut has decreased by 1000 tonnes,however no change in prices were noticed.
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For more information:http://

Groundnut production dropped by sixty percent due to drought in the country.

Harvesting of the groundnut crop will commence from December.

Heavy rainfalls in parts of Kerela and Karnataka have damaged the standing crop which is to be harvested in December.
Moderate rainfall along with hot and humid temperature favors the pepper crop in Tamil Nadu.
Pepper production is expected to increase by 4%.Production is expected to be around 53,000 tonne (2009-10), up from 51,000 in 2008-09.
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For more information:http://

Timely rainfall and optimum soil moisture has ensured healthy pepper crop. Fresh arrivals will begin in the mid of December.
The country has exported 115,000 tonnes of pepper (Oct, 2009).

Harvesting of pepper will commence from last week on November. Low priced pepper from Brazil is attracting International demand.


Harvesting of sesame is near complete in state of Rajasthan.
Sesame standing crop faces threat in part of Maharashta as the crop cannot withstand water logging or wet conditions.
Sowing activities have completed in Tamil Nadu. Light rain and high temperature will be beneficial for crop germination.
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For more information:http://

Sowing of peas is near complete in the states of Rajasthan,Bihar and Chhattisgarh.
Rainfall predicted in the coming days in parts of Bihar and Chhattisgarh will be beneficial for the germination and establishment of the crop. An increase in arrivals as well as prices was noticed in the mandi's.
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Vasundhara Sharma

BK Consimpex Pvt Ltd
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Phones: + 91 (120) 4632505/4632508
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Crop weather forecast



Rainfalls received in South India are conducive for the tea plantations.

Rainfall in the north-eastern states in the coming 2-3 days will also be beneficial for the plantations.

The December-January harvest is estimated to be 980.8 million kgs.

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Sri lanka

Moderate rainfall along with mild temperature has improved the tea output.

Tea output rose to 25.9 million kg from 24.3 million kg in October 2008.


Kenya’s tea production fell by12 percent to a 5 year low of 209.4 million kilograms(September,2009) because of a drought(Kenya Tea Board).



Recent rains in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and kerela will boost the March(2010) production.

However in the lower elevation region in Karnataka,which grows arabica coffee,crop damage has been reported because of two-three inches of rainfall.

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Heavy rainfall damaged coffee production in most parts of the country. The production of coffee fell by 31%.The production is at a 35 year low.

Colombia's coffee output was 8.66 million bags(Sept,2009) in the last crop, compared to12.5 million bags in the previous year (Sept, 2008).


Above-average rainfall in the September-to-November flowering season is likely to reduce yield.



Harvesting and post harvest activities continue in the States of Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu,Karnataka and Mahrashtra.

Rainfall in the district of Nashik in Maharashtra has discolored the grain.

Sowing activities continue in Bihar and Assam. Light to moderate rainfall in Bihar and Assam will be beneficial for the crop.

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Rain has halted corn harvest for couple of days in the states of Minnesota,Iowa, Wisconsin, North Dakota and South Dakota.


Dry weather encouraged harvesting of the maize crop. Harvesting of maize is 95% complete.


Moderate rainfall received in the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh is conducive for the germination and establishment of wheat crop which is in sowing stages. High day time temperature and receding low night temperature are also conducive for the wheat crop.

Sowing of wheat crop is completed in central part of India.

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Heavy rainfall in the district of Gondia(Maharashtra) has badly affected standing as well as the unthreshed crop in the field.

Clear days along with sunshine will facilitate harvesting and threshing of paddy in North-Western States.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Crop weather report

Dear Sir,
We are sending crop weather forecast for specific crops in specific areas.For crop weather forecast for all crops please visit our website

Unseasonal showers in parts of Vidarbha and Akola(Maharashtra) have extensively damaged the standing cotton crop which was to be harvested this week. Harvesting is likely to be delayed by 15 days in Hyderabad(Andhra Pradesh).
High temperature during day time along with receding temperature will facilitate ball opening and picking in the states of Haryana,Punjab and Rajasthan.
The total cotton estimate for the year 2009-10 is 29.5 million bales(Cotton Advisory board,Ministry of Textiles).

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USACotton crop has suffered severe damage in the State of Mississippi due to summer drought. The states of Alabama,Arkansas,Louisiana and Tennessee have also suffered crop damage due to combine effects of spring and fall flooding.

Chinese cotton imports rose in November. The country imported 118,600 metric tons of cotton(China Cotton Association). The average price in October was up by 5.3% from the previous month .The harvest in China is approaching end, but some growers and traders are reluctant to sell due to expectations that prices will further rise.
China is expected to have produced 6.7 million tons in 2009, down from 7.5-8 million tons in 2008.The decrease in production is due to a smaller acreage and erratic weather.

Recent rains received in the major turmeric producing states like Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are conducive for the crop. However crop damage is reported from some parts of Mahrashtra and Coastal Andhra Pradesh which have received heavy rainfall.

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Sri Lanka
Rainfall received in parts of the country are beneficial for the turmeric crop which is in growing stages.

Rainfall in the district of Nanded(Maharashtra) will be beneficial for the standing tur crop. Arrivals from Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka will be slow till November end as the crop was sown late in these states.
Dry conditions prevailing in the north-western part of the country will help in timely maturation of the Arhar crop.
A decrease of 24 tonnes of tur was noticed on 17th November,However, the prices increased by Rs 350 per quintal.

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Moderate rainfall received in the country is beneficial for the crop. The harvesting of the crop will start from first week of December.
900,00 tonnes of tur has been exported to India in the month of October-November.

Rainfall received in the pigeon pea growing region will be beneficial for the late sown crop which is in growth stage.

Arrivals of soyabean continue in the mandi's.
The arrivals in Gwalior mandi increased by 1800 tonnes on 17th November. However the prices fell by Rs 50 per quintal.

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Sowing of the soyabean crop(Summer 2010) is near complete.
The country has recorded production of 64 million tonnes.

Harvest was active in most of the majoring growing regions, but progress remained behind the average pace in all states except in the states of North Carolina and Ohio.

The early sown mustard crop in central India(Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh) and Maharashtra will be highly benefited with the rainfall received. However in north-western India where crop is sown in th middle of October may have normal growth stages. They benefited by late rains that occurred in past week.
Prevailing high temperature during day time may affect the crop due to incidence of disease and pests.

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Dry conditions prevail in New South Wales.
November estimate of Canola is 1.795 million tonnes, down from last year’s 1.878 million tonnes.

Canola production in Canada faces a threat by Blackleg (an endemic fungal disease) ans Salmonella.
China and USA have imposed restriction on Canola imports from Canada.

Rice crop in Central India (has been badly affected by heavy rainfall.
Heavy rainfall in the central India (Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh) has badly affected standing as well as the unthreshed crop in the field.

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Feel free to send your feedbacksVasundhara SharmaBK Consimpex Pvt Ltd****************************H - 135, Sector - 63, NOIDA - 201 307 (U.P) INDIAPhones: + 91 (120) 4632505/4632508Fax : + 91 (120) 4632511/ 240 1869Email : skymet@skymet.netWebsite visit our blog for daily reports and feedbacks:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Crop weather report

Weather General
Rains are expected in Central India (Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh) on 18th November.North and Northeast states(Assam,Bengal,Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh) will experience moderate rainfall after 2-3 days.
High day time temperature and improved soil moisture due to recent rains in most part of the country have created ideal conditions for the sown rabi crops.
However odd rainfalls with higher intensity of wind have damaged some of the cultivated crops in Maharashtra.
Cashew,Coconut,Banana,Sugarcane,Jowar,grape and Pomegranate are the worst affected. Crop damage has been reported from the districts of Pune, Thane, Raigad, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, Nasik, Ahmednagar, Satara, Sangli, Kolhapur and Bhandara district.


Harvesting and post harvest activities have commenced in the States of Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Light precipitation in these regions might slow down harvesting activities.
Sowing activities of winter maize continues in the states of Rajasthan,Uttar pradesh and Bihar. Moderate rainfall in these states will be conducive for the crop.

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Kenya’s maize production is expected to be 30 per cent down compared to last year due to poor rainfall.

The maize production has dropped by 2 million tonnes as compared to last year.
Heavy rainfall and hailstorms in the harvesting season in the districts of Northwest
frontier province have damaged the quality of crop.The districts of Punjab,Sindh and Balochistan have given a expected production.


Damage of paddy crop has been reported from the konkan region due to untimely rains caused by cyclone Phyan.
The rice production is expected to drop sharply in the current kharif season because of the poor monsoon.
Prices of Basmati rice have increased indicating that traders and exporters are willing to buy from farmers at higher price on account of better recovery through exports.
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Tropical Storm Ondoy and Typhoon Pepeng have damaged 1.3 million metric tonnes of rice.
The National Food Authority (NFA) of Philippines has issued 2 tenders each of 600,000 metric tonnes first held on 4th November and other bieng on 1st December. The source countries from which rice would be exported are Thailand, Vietnam, China, Pakistan, Australia, the United States and India.

Decline in rice production is reported as farms cope up with saltwater intrusion and hurricane damage on coastal regions. Production is also down due to the fact that rice is getting competition from soyabean,which cost less to produce and is more profitable. Rice harvesting is complete by 80%.


Rainfall in the parts of the north – western Indian have increased sowing and growth prospects.
Late sowing of mustard crop is reported from district of Tonk(Rajasthan).
Persisting rainfall and high day temperatures in the northern part of the country will be conducive for the germination of the mustard crop.
For more information: more information:http://

Precipitation in the form of heavy rain and snow have again slowed down the harvesting and post harvesting activites which paced up in previous week. The harvesting activities are near completion.

Dry conditions in the eastern part of Australia favored harvesting and post harvest activities. However rainfall and storms in the south western part of the country have degraded the quality of white mustard.


Recent rains will be beneficial to chana crop in all growing areas.The total are under production is expected to be higher.It will reflect bearish sentiments in next few months.
For more information: more information:http://

Arrivals dropped partially because of rainfall and higher price expectation by the farmers.
Arrivals dropped in mandi's in last 2 days.
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Dry and warm weather has paced up harvesting and post harvest activities in the major growing belt. Soybean production is 63.05 million tonnes for the month of November against 62.8 million tonnes last month.

Soybean harvest has reached 75 per cent.
The U.S. 2009 soybean production is expected to be 3.32 billion bushels which is 2% above its October forecast and 12% above 2008’s level (USDA).

Monday, November 16, 2009

Crop Weather Report 16/11/2009

Rainfall received in the Chana belt of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan & Uttar Pradesh has improved the soil moisture. It is beneficial for the crop which is in germinating stage.
Area under sowing is reported to be increased in the district of Tonk which received moderate rainfall.
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Cotton-Harvesting and post harvest activities continue smoothly in the Cotton growing belts. The production is likely to be lower due to insufficient rainfall in these areas. Late sown crop is yet to be harvested in the districts of Jamnagar and Rajkot (Gujarat).
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Groundnut-Harvesting is near completion in parts of Gujarat & Rajasthan. Inadequate rainfall received in some parts of Gujarat is likely to reduce the production. Arrivals have reportedly increased, however a minor increase in prices were noticed.
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Sowing is going on smoothly in the Psyllium growing areas. Light showers received in parts of Gujarat and Rajasthan is beneficial for the already sown crop. Current day temperatures are conducive for the Psyllium crop.
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Moderate rainfall received in parts of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and North of Punjab has improved the soil moisture in these areas. The sowing of the Wheat crop is near completion.
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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Crop weather report 14/11/2009

Crop damage is reported in the major growing regions of Tamilnadu, AndhraPradesh and Karnataka due to heavy rainfall caused by 'Phyan'. Fresh arrivals for the spice will be delayed due to rains.
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Sowing of Jeera is near complete in the major growing areas of Rajasthan & Guarat. Rainfall recieved in the past week in the district of Bundi,Jaipur and Jalor proved beneficial for the crop which is in germination stages.
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Recent showers received in parts of Tamil Nadu,Kerala and Karantaka have been damaged due to heavy rainfall.The quality of pepper is reported to have degraded due to rainfall in the regions of Jaipur.Production is likely to fall this year.
International demand of pepper is also reported to decrease due to increase in demand of Brazilian pepper.
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Sowing of the coriander crop is near completion in the major growing areas of Rajasthan, UttarPradesh, Gujarat & MadhyaPradesh. The rainfall recieved in these areas will be conducive for the crop.

Psyllium is in sowing stages.Heavy rainfall in the parts of Madhya Pradesh can damage the crop which requires less rainfall in sowing stages.
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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Psyllium,Castor and Guar

Sowing has started in parts of Rajasthan and Gujrat. Current weather condition favors the Psyllium crop as it requires less soil moisture. Dry weather and mild temperature are also conducive for the growth of the crop.
A decline in the arrivals as well as prices was noticed in the Dhanera mandi in Gujrat.

Light rains (10-100 mm) in the regions where Psyllium is grown is beneficial for the crop which is in growing stages.

Sowing has started in the Sindh region of Pakistan. Current weather supports the sowing of the crop.

Moderate rains has improved the soil moisture of the region where Psyllium is grown.

Rainfall in the regions of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are beneficial for the crop which is in growth stage.
No rainfall in Gujarat and Rajasthan is a matter of concern as the crop is likely to be effected. Both Gujrat and Rajasthan contributes 90% to the total production of Castor seeds.
Moderate rainfall is predicted in southern part of Gujrat on 9th and 10th of november. This rainfall will bring some relief to the concerned farmers.
The arrivals in the rajkot mandi have increased by 2 tonnes in the last 3 days . However no significant change has been noticed in the prices.

Moderate rainfall in the regions where Castor is planted will boost crop production.

Precipitation in form of rains and snowfall have have slowed down the harvesting of the Castor crop. Harvesting is reported to be 70% complete.

Harvesting is getting pace. Low production has been reported from poor rains in the growing areas in Rajasthan and Haryana.
Exports this year are expected to be 2 lakh tonnes and domestic demand expected at 0.50 lakh tonne(Indian Guar Gum Association) .
There are reports of farmers shifting to other crops in the markets. There is an increase in demand of by products of guar like churi and korma.
The arrivals at Bikaner mandi decreased by 4.2 tonnes on 4th november however the prices increased by 2%.

Harvesting of guar crop is taking place. The production of the crop was affected due to less rainfall.

Heavy rains and freezing temperature in the southern part of the country has furthered slowed down the harvesting of the crop. Due to low temperature the crop quality is also being affected.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Crop weather report



Sowing of chana has picked up in major growing states. Sowing is going on in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Sowing activities likely to start earlier in some areas in South India due to the rains received there.

Prices of chana have increased by 30 % last four days,while the arrivals have declined.



Light rainfall is predicted in the western part of Australia where desi chick pea is grown. Rain is beneficial for the late sown crop which is in the germination stages.


Dry conditions continues across Pakistan. Sowing of the chana crop has been delayed by almost a month. No rainfall is predicted in the coming week.


Light rains are predicted in the chick pea growing area. Rains will bring relief to the farmers as the soil moisture in these regions were reportedly low.



Sowing activities have started in the states of Gujrat and Rajasthan.

Low temperatures in these areas are beneficial for jeera crop.

Demand from overseas market is expected to rise in the coming days as Indian rates are lower than ones from Turkey and Syria.

jeera exports are estimated to fall to 18750 tons during the period Apr-Aug, 2009 from 21130 tons same period last year(Spice board of India).

An increase in price of Rs 320 per 100kg was reported from the unjha mandi.



Planting activities continues in Turkey. Light rainfall predicted in the coming week will boost the crop production.


Dry conditions prevail in syria. This causes a concern to the farmers as the soil moisture is low. No rainfall is predicted in the next 3 days.



Sowing is gradually picking up in the northern belt wherever irrigation is available.In other rainfed areas of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, germination will suffer on account of low humidity and high temperature.
Arrivals of mustard seed increased to 25,000 bags on Saturday from 22,000 bags on previous day in major mandis of Rajasthan.

A sharp increase in arrivals was noticed in the mandi's however no change in prices was reported.


Harvesting activity has increased in mustard growing areas. Total canola production was 10.27 million tonnes, up from last month, but 18.8% below last year's total.


harvesting continues in the country. However rainfall in the next 3-4 days might slow down harvesting activities.


Harvesting has paced up in southern part of Russia where mustard is grown.