Rainfalls received in South India are conducive for the tea plantations.
Rainfall in the north-eastern states in the coming 2-3 days will also be beneficial for the plantations.
The December-January harvest is estimated to be 980.8 million kgs.
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Sri lanka
Moderate rainfall along with mild temperature has improved the tea output.
Tea output rose to 25.9 million kg from 24.3 million kg in October 2008.
Kenya’s tea production fell by12 percent to a 5 year low of 209.4 million kilograms(September,2009) because of a drought(Kenya Tea Board).
Recent rains in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and kerela will boost the March(2010) production.
However in the lower elevation region in Karnataka,which grows arabica coffee,crop damage has been reported because of two-three inches of rainfall.
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Heavy rainfall damaged coffee production in most parts of the country. The production of coffee fell by 31%.The production is at a 35 year low.
Colombia's coffee output was 8.66 million bags(Sept,2009) in the last crop, compared to12.5 million bags in the previous year (Sept, 2008).
Above-average rainfall in the September-to-November flowering season is likely to reduce yield.
Harvesting and post harvest activities continue in the States of Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu,Karnataka and Mahrashtra.
Rainfall in the district of Nashik in Maharashtra has discolored the grain.
Sowing activities continue in Bihar and Assam. Light to moderate rainfall in Bihar and Assam will be beneficial for the crop.
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Rain has halted corn harvest for couple of days in the states of Minnesota,Iowa, Wisconsin, North Dakota and South Dakota.
Dry weather encouraged harvesting of the maize crop. Harvesting of maize is 95% complete.
Moderate rainfall received in the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh is conducive for the germination and establishment of wheat crop which is in sowing stages. High day time temperature and receding low night temperature are also conducive for the wheat crop.
Sowing of wheat crop is completed in central part of India.
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Heavy rainfall in the district of Gondia(Maharashtra) has badly affected standing as well as the unthreshed crop in the field.
Clear days along with sunshine will facilitate harvesting and threshing of paddy in North-Western States.
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