Thursday, December 31, 2009

Crop Weather Report 31/12/2009

Post harvesting of cardamom continues in the states of Kerela, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Farmers are expecting a good harvest for the season 2009-10.
The price of Indian cardamom are expected to rise by 50% due to decline in global production.

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Arrivals of cardamom continue from Guatemala. However. the production of cardamom has declined by 3000 tonnes in the year 2009-10.

Sri Lanka
Light scattered rainfall along with normal temperature is beneficial for cardamom which is in capsule development stage.


Light scattered rainfall along with mild day temperatures and low night temperatures in the states of Madhya Pradesh,Uttar Pradesh and Bihar is conducive for the barley crop which is in vegetative and reproductive stage.
Mild day time temperature and low night temperature in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu Kashmir are beneficial for the barley crop which is also in vegetative stage.

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Post harvesting activities continue in Australia. Production is likely to be higher for the season 2009-10 despite less rainfall in the barley producing regions.


Normal day time temperatures and low night temperatures are conducive for the rain-fed barley crop which is in vegetative growth stage.


Harvesting of rice is almost completed in north-eastern states and Bihar.
Light scattered rainfall along with normal temperature in the states of Tamil Nadu,Kerela and south Karnataka will be conducive for the paddy crop which is in growth stages.

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Rice production fell in the state of Texas due to severe drought. Fall in production was also reported from Louisiana due to late rains.


Below normal temperature in the eastern parts of the country delayed harvesting of paddy crop.


Harvesting of sugarcane continues in the states of Haryana, Uttar Prasesh, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh.
Scattered rainfall in the states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka will be beneficial for the standing sugarcane crop.
Ground frost due to low temperature in the states of Punjab, Haryana, & west Uttar Pradesh may affect the standing crop and need immediate irrigation.

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Record crop of sugarcane expected in Brazil. The total sugarcane production for the year 2009-10 is expected to be 612.2 million tonnes,7% higher than the previous year.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Crop weather report 30/12/2009



Mild day temperature and low night temperature in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana,Punjab,Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh will be conducive for the October sown mustard crop which is in flowering and fruiting stages.

Harvesting and threshing of early sown mustard and toria crop is completed.

Mild temperature in the states of Orissa and west Bengal are also conducive for the mustard crop which is in vegetative stage.

Rapeseed and mustard have recorded an increase of 3% in area under cultivation.

According to the government sources,both arrivals and prices of mustard have increased in the major Indian mandi's.

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Dry weather in parts of Australia has encouraged harvesting activities. China has imposed ban on Australian canola due to presence of blackleg(Leptosphaeria maculans).


Harvesting of Canola continues at a slower pace. In the prairies,canola production dropped by 6.5% as a result of decline in harvest area.



Normal day time temperatures and low night temperatures in the states of Gujrat and Maharashtra are conducive for the jeera crop which is in vegetative stages.

Above normal temperature in the state of Rajasthan is a concern for early sown jeera crop which is in vegetative stage. Fall in production is expected in the state of Gujrat due to adverse weather conditions.

As per the government sources,sharp increase was seen in the arrivals. However, marginal increase in prices were noticed.

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Arrivals of Cumin seeds continue from Turkey. Light to moderate precipitation in the form of rainfall hampered harvesting process.



Arrivals of Chillies continue smoothly from the states of Rajasthan,Gujrat and Punjab.

Harvesting activities continue in the states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

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Moderate to heavy precipitation in the form of snowfall in the northern and western region and in rainfall in southern and eastern region led to damage of chilli crop.


Post harvesting activities of chilli crop continues throughout the country.



Dry weather in the states of Haryana, west Uttar Pradesh,Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh facilitated harvesting and threshing of early sown arhar crop.

Low temperature and rainfall in the parts of east Uttar Pradesh,Bihar and central India are conducive for the normal sown arhar crop which is in flowering and fruiting stage.

According to the government sources,a sharp decrease in arrivals was noticed. However, prices increased by Rs 500 per quintal.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Crop weather report 29/12/2009

Mild day temperatures and low night temperatures in the states of Gujrat,Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh are beneficial for the psyllium crop which is in vegetative growth stage.
Is is also beneficial for the late sown crop which is in flowering stage.

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Low temperatures in the states of Punjab, Haryana and South Uttar Pradesh is conducive for the gram crop which is nearing to flowering stage.
Mild temperature in the states of Madhya Pradesh,Maharashtra and Gujrat are conducive for the chana crop.
Acreage under chana has increased in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. However acreage is 15% lower in Rajasthan.

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Rainfall in recent days along with mild temperatures are conducive for the chana crop which is in growth stage.

Light to moderate rainfall(10-75mm) boosted soil moisture level in the chick pea growing regions.

Low temperature in the states of Jammu Kashmir, Haryana,Punjab,Rajasthan, Bihar,West Bengal,Uttar Pradesh and Eastern states are conducive for the wheat crop which is in growth stages. It is also conducive for tillering in late sown crop.
Persisting low day night temperature in the central states of Madhya Pradesh and southern Uttar Pradesh are also beneficial for the wheat crop.
Area under wheat in the states of Punjab is reported to have decreased.

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Dry weather and soaring temperatures in the western part of the country is threatening standing wheat crop.

Moderate to heavy rainfall in parts of the country brought additional moisture in durum growing regions.

Arrivals of cashew have commenced from southern Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerela,Tamil Nadu,Andhra Pradesh and southern Orissa.
Light rainfall in the coastal regions of Tamil Nadu, Kerela and southern Karnataka are beneficial for the maturing crop.

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Moderate temperature and sufficient rainfall in parts of the country lead to surplus production of Cashew. Cashew production is expected to increase by 5000 metric tonnes.

Sri Lanka
Light to moderate rainfall in pats of the country will benefit the maturing cashew crop. Arrivals from the country are likely to commence from January.

Monday, December 28, 2009

crop weather report 28/12/2009



Harvesting and post harvest activities of Castor continues in the states of Gujrat and Maharashtra. Dry weather in both states have paced up the harvesting process.

Harvesting of castor is also taking place in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and parts of Orissa.

The total production of castor in the year 2009-10 is expected to be 9 lakh tonnes.

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Harvesting and post harvesting activities of groundnut continue in the states of Gujrat,Rajasthan,Maharashtra,Punjab, Haryana and parts of Uttar Pradesh.

Scattered light rainfall in parts of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are conducive for the rabi groundnut crop which is in growth stage.

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Mild day time temperatures and low night temperatures are conducive for peas crop which is in growth stages.It is also conducive for the late sown crop which is flowering and development stages.

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A drop in peas production is expected in Canada due to drought in the germination period in the western region and due to excessive rainfall in the eastern region.


Arrivals of peas have started in the market. A drastic fall in production was noticed due to drought in the growing stages.



Dry weather in the states of Maharashtra,South Rajasthan,Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka have facilitated harvesting activities.

Mild day time temperatures and low night temperature are conducive for the maize crop which is in growth stages.

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Heavy rainfall(100-200mm) in the southern delta states let to damage of the standing corn crop.


Light scattered rainfall along with normal temperatures are conducive for the corn crop.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Crop Weather Report 23/12/2009

Normal day time temperature and low night temperature in the states of Haryana,Punjab,Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh are conducive for the wheat crop which is in germination and establishment stages.
Light to moderate rainfall in previous days in the state of Madhya Pradesh is also conducive for the wheat crop which is in vegetative stage.
According to the government sources,decrease in arrivals at the major mandi's in India was noticed. However marginal increase in price of arrivals was noticed.

Dry weather and above normal temperature in the northeastern part of the country promoted wheat harvesting.

Light to moderate rainfall in northern part of the country caused short delay in wheat harvesting.

Recent rainfall in the states of Madhya Pradesh,South Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh are beneficial for the late sown barley crop which is in germination and establishment stages.
It is also beneficial for the early sown barley crop which is in flowering stages.
Recent drop in day and night time temperature in the northern states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar is conducive for the crop.

Light rainfall(5-25mm) in the northeastern part of the country caused some delay in harvesting activities.

Light rainfall and normal temperature in the southern part of the country is beneficial for the barley crop which is in growth stage.

Normal temperature and optimum soil moisture by recent rainfall received in parts of Tamil Nadu, Kerela and South Karnataka will be conducive for paddy which is in growth stage.
Harvesting of Paddy is near complete in the North-eastern states and Bihar.
According to the government sources,decrease in both arrivals and prices were noticed at the mandi's.

Light to moderate rainfall along with normal temperature in eastern Australia is beneficial for the rice crop which is in growth stages.

Light precipitation and below normal temperature in south-east China caused some delay in harvesting of rice.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Crop weather report 22/12/2009



Post harvesting activities of Maize continues in the states of Maharashtra,Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

High day time temperature and low night temperature along with light rainfall in East Uttar Pradesh,Bihar,Assam and Tamil Nadu will be conducive for the maize crop which is in vegetative growth stage.

According to the government sources,an increase in arrivals of maize was noticed at the mandi's. The price also showed a sharp increase.

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Moderate to heavy snow fell in the northern growing regions,stopping harvesting activities.


Moderate to heavy rainfall along with normal temperature benefited corn crop.



Declining day and night temperatures in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana,Punjab,Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh will be beneficial for the mustard crop which is in fruiting and flowering stages. Minimum temperature in Punjab and Haryana was recorded at 3 degree Celsius.

Scattered rainfall in the state of Orissa is also conducive for the mustard crop which is in vegetative stage.

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Light to moderate rainfall along with nomral temperature are beneficial for the canola crop.



Normal day time temperature along with sunshine in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are conducive for the chana crop which is in vegetative growth stage.

Light rainfall in the state of Madhya Pradesh has proved beneficial for the crop.

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High day time temperature and low night temperature are conducive for the chana crop which is in growth stages.


Dry weather in the western part of Australia has promoted widespread harvesting.

Arrivals of chick pea from Australia has commenced in the month of December.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Crop weather report 21/12/2009

Normal day time temperatures and low night temperatures in the state of Gujrat,Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh are conducive for the psyllium crop which is in vegetative stage.
It is also beneficial for the late sown psyllium crop which is in germination and establishment stages.
Rainfall in parts of Madhya Pradesh is also beneficial for the crop.Link
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Light scattered rainfall in the coastal region of Tamil Nadu, Kerela, Karnataka and Orissa are beneficial for the late grown cashew crop.
Arrivals of cashew are reported from the States of Kerela,Maharashtra, Goa and Tamil Nadu.

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Decrease in production is reported from Vietnam due to two cyclonic storm at the growth stage.

Sri Lanka
Light to moderate rainfall along with normal temperatures are beneficial for the matured cashew crop.

Arrivals from the southern states of Tamil Nadu and Kerela have dropped drastically in the month of December due to drought like conditions in the growth stage.
Current persisting rainfall in the southern part of the country as well as in the the eastern part of the country are conducive for the current circle.
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Recent rainfall in the country has provided relief to tea plantation which has suffered due to drought like conditions in previous months.

Arrivals of coffee have commenced for the states of Karnataka,Tamil Nadu and Kerela.
Light scattered rainfall in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerela are beneficial for the plantation which is in matured stages.
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Moderate rainfall along with normal temperatures along the coastal regions are beneficial for the plantation which is in vegetative stage.

Light to moderate rainfall in the coffee producing regions is beneficial for the coffee plantation. Arrivals of coffee commenced in second week of December.