Harvesting and post harvest activities of Castor continues in the states of Gujrat and Maharashtra. Dry weather in both states have paced up the harvesting process.
Harvesting of castor is also taking place in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and parts of Orissa.
The total production of castor in the year 2009-10 is expected to be 9 lakh tonnes.
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Harvesting and post harvesting activities of groundnut continue in the states of Gujrat,Rajasthan,Maharashtra,Punjab, Haryana and parts of Uttar Pradesh.
Scattered light rainfall in parts of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are conducive for the rabi groundnut crop which is in growth stage.
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Mild day time temperatures and low night temperatures are conducive for peas crop which is in growth stages.It is also conducive for the late sown crop which is flowering and development stages.
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A drop in peas production is expected in Canada due to drought in the germination period in the western region and due to excessive rainfall in the eastern region.
Arrivals of peas have started in the market. A drastic fall in production was noticed due to drought in the growing stages.
Dry weather in the states of Maharashtra,South Rajasthan,Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka have facilitated harvesting activities.
Mild day time temperatures and low night temperature are conducive for the maize crop which is in growth stages.
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Heavy rainfall(100-200mm) in the southern delta states let to damage of the standing corn crop.
Light scattered rainfall along with normal temperatures are conducive for the corn crop.
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