Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Crop weather forecast 9/12/2009



Declining normal temperature in central part of India(Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh)is conducive for the early sown wheat crop which is in flowering stages.

Sowing of the wheat crop continues in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,Bihar and Assam. Declining day time temperature in these states is also conducive for the crop.

According to the government sources,the arrivals of wheat has decreased by 5000 tonnes. No significant change in the prices were noticed.

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Harvesting of wheat continues in North South Wales and Western part of Australia. The Australian wheat board has estimated lesser production of wheat as compared to last year.

Sowing of Soft red winter wheat continues across Northern belt of America.

Condition of wheat crop in the Pacific Northwest have worsened due to the dry conditions. In Texas and Oklahoma, planting of Red wheat continues under the relatively dry conditions.



Late sowing of chana continues in the States of Rajasthan and Gujrat.

High day time temperature and low night temperature in Madhya Pradesh and Southern Uttar Pradesh are conducive for the chana crop which is in germination and establishment stages.

A decrease of 100 tonnes in arrivals was noticed in the mandi's. However the price of Chana increased by Rs 50 per quintal.

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Sowing of Chana is near complete in the country. Mild temperatures in the chana growing regions are conducive for the crop.


Drier conditions in western Australia encouraged harvesting of the early sown desi chick pea crop.



Dry weather in the states of Maharashtra,Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh has encouraged harvesting and post harvesting activities.

Light scattered rainfall and moderate temperature in eastern part of the country will be beneficial for the maize crop which is in flowering stages.

According to the government sources,both arrivals and price of Maize decreased in the mandi's.

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Dry conditions encouraged harvesting of corn in the western region. Harvesting of corn is estimated to be 79% complete.


Heavy rainfall in the Northeastern part of Argentina has caused concern for the maize crop which is in growing stages.

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