Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Crop weather report 29/12/2009

Mild day temperatures and low night temperatures in the states of Gujrat,Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh are beneficial for the psyllium crop which is in vegetative growth stage.
Is is also beneficial for the late sown crop which is in flowering stage.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/psylliummap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Low temperatures in the states of Punjab, Haryana and South Uttar Pradesh is conducive for the gram crop which is nearing to flowering stage.
Mild temperature in the states of Madhya Pradesh,Maharashtra and Gujrat are conducive for the chana crop.
Acreage under chana has increased in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. However acreage is 15% lower in Rajasthan.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/chanamap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Rainfall in recent days along with mild temperatures are conducive for the chana crop which is in growth stage.

Light to moderate rainfall(10-75mm) boosted soil moisture level in the chick pea growing regions.

Low temperature in the states of Jammu Kashmir, Haryana,Punjab,Rajasthan, Bihar,West Bengal,Uttar Pradesh and Eastern states are conducive for the wheat crop which is in growth stages. It is also conducive for tillering in late sown crop.
Persisting low day night temperature in the central states of Madhya Pradesh and southern Uttar Pradesh are also beneficial for the wheat crop.
Area under wheat in the states of Punjab is reported to have decreased.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/wheatmap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Dry weather and soaring temperatures in the western part of the country is threatening standing wheat crop.

Moderate to heavy rainfall in parts of the country brought additional moisture in durum growing regions.

Arrivals of cashew have commenced from southern Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerela,Tamil Nadu,Andhra Pradesh and southern Orissa.
Light rainfall in the coastal regions of Tamil Nadu, Kerela and southern Karnataka are beneficial for the maturing crop.

For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net:8081/webhotspot/cashewmap.jsp
For more information:http://www.weatherindia.net

Moderate temperature and sufficient rainfall in parts of the country lead to surplus production of Cashew. Cashew production is expected to increase by 5000 metric tonnes.

Sri Lanka
Light to moderate rainfall in pats of the country will benefit the maturing cashew crop. Arrivals from the country are likely to commence from January.

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